Learn English with Listen & Draw

Objects #3

Published: 1.23.2022
Level 3   |   Time: 2:05
Accent: Canadian
Source: Listen in English

A simple picture of a well-known image described using geometric shapes.


You can download the file [ HERE ].


triangle Directions

  1. REVIEW the vocabulary.
  2. LISTEN to the audio above.
  3. DRAW the picture (on a piece of paper).
  4. CHECK your drawing below.

triangle Vocabulary

If you don't know any of the words below, check the Illustrated Dictionary.

  • an oval
  • a rectangle
  • a circle
  • a square
  • a star
  • vertical
  • horizontal

triangle The Drawing


triangle Script

Across the page from left to right, draw three medium-sized ovals.

In each oval, draw a horizontal line that divides the oval in half.

In the left oval, draw a vertical line from the bottom of the oval to the horizontal line.

In the right oval, draw a similar vertical line from the bottom of the oval to the horizontal line.

There is no vertical line in the middle oval.

In the top part of the left oval, draw a circle.

In the top part of the middle oval, draw a square.

In the top part of the right oval, draw a triangle.

Below the right oval, draw a five-pointed star

Above the middle oval, draw a small square and a small triangle side by side.

The square is on the left, and the triangle is on the right.

The triangle is pointing to the right.

On top of the left line of the small square, draw small circle.

The circle is on top of the line, so the line cuts the circle in half.

On top of the right most point of the small triangle, draw another small circle.