Learn English with Frozen

#7. Anna hires Kristoff

Published: 8.06.2024
Level 4   |   Time: 3:14
Accent: American
Source: Frozen

Anna hires Kristoff to take her up the North Mountain.

triangle Directions 목표 Direcciones Instruções


    It is important to read the vocabulary and background before you watch the video. This will improve your ability to understand the video. It will also help you understand how the new vocabulary is used naturally.

  2. WATCH the VIDEO

    The first time you watch the video, just try to understand the overall situation.


    First, try to answer all the questions from memory. Then rewatch the video and try to answer the questions that you missed.

  4. WATCH and READ the SCRIPT

    Watch the video again while you read the script. Reading and listening at the same time will help you hear each individual word and improve your listening accuracy.


    There are several different activities that focus on listening accuracy, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.


    Es importante leer el vocabulario y los antecedentes antes de ver el video. Esto mejorará su capacidad para comprender el video. También le ayudará a comprender cómo se usa el nuevo vocabulario de forma natural.

  2. VER el VIDEO

    La primera vez que vea el video, intente comprender la situación general.


    Primero intente responder todas las preguntas de memoria. Luego, vuelva a ver el video e intente responder las preguntas que se perdió.


    Mire el video nuevamente mientras lee el guión. Leer y escuchar al mismo tiempo lo ayudará a escuchar cada palabra individual y mejorará su precisión auditiva.


    Hay una serie de actividades diferentes que se centran en la precisión auditiva, la pronunciación, el vocabulario, la gramática y la estructura de las oraciones.

  1. 어휘와 배경 읽기

    비디오를 보기 전에 어휘와 배경을 읽는 것이 중요합니다. 이렇게 하면 비디오를 이해하는 능력이 향상됩니다. 또한 새로운 어휘가 어떻게 자연스럽게 사용되는지 이해하는데 도움이됩니다.

  2. 비디오 보기

    비디오를 처음 볼 때 전체 상황을 이해하려고 노력하세요.

  3. 문제에 답하기

    먼저 모든 질문에 답을 해보세요. 그런 다음 비디오를 다시보고 놓친 질문에 답해보세요.

  4. 비디오 보면서 대본 읽기

    대본을 읽는 동안 비디오를 다시 보세요. 읽기와 듣기를 동시에 하면 각각의 단어를 듣고, 듣기 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

  5. 액티비티 하기

    듣기 정확도, 발음, 어휘, 문법 및 문장 구조에 초점을 맞춘 다양한 액티비티가 있습니다.


    É importante ler o vocabulário e o histórico antes de assistir ao vídeo. Isso melhorará sua capacidade de entender o vídeo. Também ajudará você a entender como o novo vocabulário é usado naturalmente.


    Na primeira vez que assistir ao vídeo, tente entender a situação geral.


    Primeiro, tente responder todas as perguntas de memória. Em seguida, assista novamente ao vídeo e tente responder às perguntas que você errou.


    Assista ao vídeo novamente enquanto lê o roteiro. Ler e ouvir ao mesmo tempo ajudará você a ouvir cada palavra individualmente e a melhorar sua precisão auditiva.


    Existem várias atividades diferentes que se concentram na precisão auditiva, pronúncia, vocabulário, gramática e estrutura da frase.

triangle Vocabulary 어휘 Vocabulário Vocabulario

  • ☐ ☐ ☐ Let's call it a night! [exp] - Let's stop and go to bed.
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ frostbite [n] - damage to skin from very cold weather
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ a duet [n] - a song sung by two people
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ rephrase [v] - say something in a different way
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ dawn [n] - the first light of the day, when the sun rises
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ lacquer [n] - a shiny paint that is put on wood [image] ESL Vocab - Lacquer
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ be raised [exp] - be brought up and educated by parents
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ a barn [n] - a farm building for storing grain or animals [image] ESL Vocab - A barn
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ Were you raised in a barn? [exp] - Why are you so rude or uneducated?
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ my fault [n] - my mistake
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ freak out [phv] - become very angry
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ bless [v] - give approval
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ a glove [n] - clothing for the hand [image] ESL Vocab - A glove
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ have a thing about (dirt) [exp] - dislike (dirt) very much
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ dreamy [adj] - very nice or beautiful, like in a dream
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ pick one's nose [exp] - put a finger in one's nose to remove something [image] ESL Vocab - Picking your nose
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ I'm not buying it. [exp] - I don't believe it.
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ boogers [n] - the solid stuff in your nose (snot)

[n] - noun,  [v] - verb, [phv] - phrasal verb,  [adj] - adjective,  [exp] - expression

triangle Background 배경 O fundo Antecedentes

Anna from Frozen Kristoff from Frozen
Anna Kristoff
  • Anna is searching for her older sister Elsa.
  • Elsa is the Queen of Arendelle. Anna is a princess.
  • It is summer, but Elsa's magic brought a huge snow storm.
  • Kristoff and Sven (his reindeer) own a sled.

triangle Questions 문제 Questões Preguntas

  1. What is Kristoff’s initial reaction when Anna asks him to take her up the North Mountain?
    He suggests that they wait until the morning.
    He says that he does not take people places.
    He agrees to take her.

  2. What supplies does Anna give to Kristoff?
    A map
    A rope
    An axe
    A warm coat

  3. What does Kristoff ask for?
    Warm clothing
    Carrots for Sven

  4. When does Kristoff want to leave?
    At dawn
    At midnight

  5. What does Kristoff think about Anna’s engagement to Hans?
    He thinks it’s a good idea.
    He is confused and questions it.
    He doesn’t seem to care about it.

  6. Why does Anna think that Elsa wears gloves?
    Because she was raised in a barn.
    Because she has a thing about dirt.
    Because she needs to hide her magical powers.

  7. What does Kristoff suggest about all men?
    They are princes.
    They eat their boogers.
    They eat with their hands.

  8. What does Kristoff ask Anna about Hans?
    His height
    His eye color
    His foot size
    His full name
    His favorite food
    His favorite color
    His brother's name

triangle Vocabulary Review 어휘 검토 Revisão de vocabulário Vocabulario revisión

Directions: What expressions from the video have the same meaning as the highlighted expressions in the sentences below?

  1. Let's [ finish up and say good night ]. Good night. Don't let the frostbite bite.

    [ call it a night ]

  2. Let me [ say that another way ]. Take me up the North Mountain.

    [ rephrase that ]

  3. Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. Seriously, were you [ poorly educated as a child ]?

    [ raised in a barn ]

  4. I got engaged, but then she [ got really angry ] because I'd only just met him.

    [ freaked out ]

  5. But the thing is she wore the gloves all the time, so I just thought, maybe she [ doesn't like ] dirt.

    [ has a thing about ]

  6. You have friends who are love experts? I [ don't believe it ].

    [ 'm not buying it. / don't buy it. ]

triangle Sentence Building 문장 만들기 Construção de sentença Construcción de oraciones

Directions: Write sentences about the video clip using the words given. You can change the word form or add words, but you cannot change the word order. Use a present time frame (tense).
( ) = optional   [ ] = necessary

Instrucciones: Escriba oraciones sobre el videoclip usando las palabras dadas. Puede cambiar la forma de la palabra o agregar palabras, pero no puede cambiar el orden de las palabras. Usa el tiempo presente.

Instruções: Escribe oraciones sobre el videoclip usando las palabras dadas. Puede cambiar la forma de las palabras o agregar palabras, pero no puede cambiar el orden de las palabras. Usa tiempo presente.

지시 : 주어진 단어를 사용하여 비디오 클립에 대한 문장을 씁니다. 어형을 변경하거나 단어를 추가할 수 있지만 어순은 변경할 수 없습니다. 현재 시제를 사용합니다.

Sentence 1

when / Anna / walk / barn / Kristoff / pretend / sing / duet / reindeer

When Anna walks into the barn, Kristoff is pretending to sing a duet with his reindeer.

Sentence 2

Anna / ask / Kristoff / take / her / up / North / Mountain

Anna asks Kristoff to take her up (to) the North Mountain.

Sentence 3

when / Kristoff / refuse / Anna / order / him / take / her

When Kristoff refuses, Anna orders him to take her.

Sentence 4

Kristoff / agree / leave / dawn / but / Anna / insist / they / leave / right / away

Kristoff agrees to leave at dawn, but Anna insists (that) they (have to) leave right away.

Sentence 5

Kristoff / get / annoy / when / Anna / put / foot / on / dash / sled

Kristoff gets annoyed when Anna puts her feet (up) on the dash of his sled.

Sentence 6

Anna / tell / Kristoff / about / quick / engage / Hans

Anna tells Kristoff about her quick engagement to Hans.
Anna tells Kristoff about getting quickly engaged to Hans.

Sentence 7

shock / by / Anna / engagement / someone / she / just / meet / Kristoff / try / check / how / well / she / know / him

Shocked by Anna's engagement to someone (that) she (has) just met, Kristoff tries to check how well she knows him.

Sentence 8

Anna / disgust / when / Kristoff / tell / her / all / man / pick / nose

Anna is disgusted when Kristoff tells her (that) all men pick their nose(s).

Sentence 9

sudden / Kristoff / hear / something / and / tell / Anna / quiet

Suddenly, Kristoff hears something and tells Anna to be quiet.

triangle Listen & Repeat 듣고 따라하기 Ouça e repita Escuchar y repetir

Directions: Play the audio clip and try to repeat what you hear. Click "Show" to see the text.

Instrucciones: Reproduce el clip de audio e intenta repetir lo que escuchas. Haga clic en "Show" para ver el texto.

Instruções: Reproduzca el clip de audio e intente repetir lo que escucha. Haga clic en "Mostrar" para ver el texto.

지시 사항 : 오디오 클립을 재생하고 들리는 내용을 반복해 보십시오. 텍스트를 보려면 "Show" 를 클릭하십시오.

Clip 1

It's just you. What do you want?

Clip 2

I want you to take me up the North Mountain.

Clip 3

Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. Seriously, were you raised in a barn?

Clip 4

What made the Queen go all ice-crazy?

Clip 5

I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him.

Clip 6

She said she wouldn't bless the marriage.

Clip 7

You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?

Clip 8

But the thing is she wore the gloves all the time.

Clip 9

Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?

Clip 10

Oh yeah? What's his last name?

Clip 11

Have you had a meal with him yet?

Clip 12

What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?

Clip 13

(It) Doesn't sound like true love.

Clip 14

You have friends who are love experts? I'm not buying it.

triangle Discussion 논의 Questões de discussão Discusión

  1. What details does Anna share about Hans?
  2. Describe the relationship between Sven and Kristoff. Do you think your relationship with your pet is similar?
  3. How does Kristoff react when Anna puts her feet up on the sled’s dash? What does this tell us about their relationship? (Remember: Anna is a princess.)
  4. Kristoff says all men pick their nose and eat it. Do you agree?
  5. What other disgusting things do all (most?) men do? How about women?
  6. What questions does Kristoff ask to check if Anna knows Hans well? What other questions could or should he ask?
  7. Could you answer all of these questions about your true love?
  8. Try making a ten-question quiz to test how well someone knows their true love. You must choose the ten most important, meaningful questions. Then try testing your partner(s).

triangle Script 대본 Roteiro Guion

Kristoff: Let's call it a night. Good night. Don't let the frostbite bite.

Anna: Nice duet.

Kristoff: Oh, it's just you. What do you want?

Anna: I want you to take me up the North Mountain.

Kristoff: I don't take people places.

Anna: Let me rephrase that. Take me up the North Mountain. Please. Look, I know how to stop this winter.

Kristoff: We leave at dawn, and you forgot the carrots for Sven.

Anna: Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't... We leave now. Right now.

Kristoff: Hang on! We like to go fast.

Anna: I like fast!

Kristoff: Woh! Woh, woh, woh! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. Seriously, were you raised in a barn?

Anna: Ew! No, I was raised in a castle.

Kristoff: Mm. So, tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?

Anna: Oh well, it was all my fault. I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him, you know, that day. And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage, and...

Kristoff: Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?

Anna: Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she got mad and then she tried to walk away, and I grabbed her glove.

Kristoff: Hang on! You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?!

Anna: Yes. Pay attention. But the thing is she wore the gloves all the time, so I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt.

Kristoff: Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?

Anna: Yes, they did. But Hans is not a stranger.

Kristoff: Oh yeah? What's his last name?

Anna: Of-the-Southern-Isles?

Kristoff: What's his favorite food?

Anna: Sandwiches.

Kristoff: Best friend's name?

Anna: Probably John.

Kristoff: Eye color?

Anna: Dreamy.

Kristoff: Foot size?

Anna: Foot size doesn't matter.

Kristoff: Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?

Anna: Picks his nose?

Kristoff: And eats it.

Anna: Excuse me, sir. He is a prince.

Kristoff: All men do it.

Anna: Ew! Look, it doesn't matter. It's true love!

Kristoff: (It) Doesn't sound like true love.

Anna: Are you some sort of love expert?

Kristoff: No. But I have friends who are.

Anna: You have friends who are love experts? I'm not buying it.

Kristoff: Stop talking.

Anna: No no no! No no. I'd like to meet these....

Kristoff: No. I mean it. Shhhh!

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