Learn English with Beetlejuice


Published: 9.09.2024
Level 5   |   Time: 4:33
Accent: American

Adam and Barbara decide to summon Beetlejuice to help them get rid of the family living in their house.

triangle Directions 목표 Direcciones Instruções


    It is important to read the vocabulary and background before you watch the video. This will improve your ability to understand the video. It will also help you understand how the new vocabulary is used naturally.

  2. WATCH the VIDEO

    The first time you watch the video, just try to understand the overall situation.


    First, try to answer all the questions from memory. Then rewatch the video and try to answer the questions that you missed.

  4. WATCH and READ the SCRIPT

    Watch the video again while you read the script. Reading and listening at the same time will help you hear each individual word and improve your listening accuracy.


    There are several different activities that focus on listening accuracy, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.


    Es importante leer el vocabulario y los antecedentes antes de ver el video. Esto mejorará su capacidad para comprender el video. También le ayudará a comprender cómo se usa el nuevo vocabulario de forma natural.

  2. VER el VIDEO

    La primera vez que vea el video, intente comprender la situación general.


    Primero intente responder todas las preguntas de memoria. Luego, vuelva a ver el video e intente responder las preguntas que se perdió.


    Mire el video nuevamente mientras lee el guión. Leer y escuchar al mismo tiempo lo ayudará a escuchar cada palabra individual y mejorará su precisión auditiva.


    Hay una serie de actividades diferentes que se centran en la precisión auditiva, la pronunciación, el vocabulario, la gramática y la estructura de las oraciones.

  1. 어휘와 배경 읽기

    비디오를 보기 전에 어휘와 배경을 읽는 것이 중요합니다. 이렇게 하면 비디오를 이해하는 능력이 향상됩니다. 또한 새로운 어휘가 어떻게 자연스럽게 사용되는지 이해하는데 도움이됩니다.

  2. 비디오 보기

    비디오를 처음 볼 때 전체 상황을 이해하려고 노력하세요.

  3. 문제에 답하기

    먼저 모든 질문에 답을 해보세요. 그런 다음 비디오를 다시보고 놓친 질문에 답해보세요.

  4. 비디오 보면서 대본 읽기

    대본을 읽는 동안 비디오를 다시 보세요. 읽기와 듣기를 동시에 하면 각각의 단어를 듣고, 듣기 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

  5. 액티비티 하기

    듣기 정확도, 발음, 어휘, 문법 및 문장 구조에 초점을 맞춘 다양한 액티비티가 있습니다.


    É importante ler o vocabulário e o histórico antes de assistir ao vídeo. Isso melhorará sua capacidade de entender o vídeo. Também ajudará você a entender como o novo vocabulário é usado naturalmente.


    Na primeira vez que assistir ao vídeo, tente entender a situação geral.


    Primeiro, tente responder todas as perguntas de memória. Em seguida, assista novamente ao vídeo e tente responder às perguntas que você errou.


    Assista ao vídeo novamente enquanto lê o roteiro. Ler e ouvir ao mesmo tempo ajudará você a ouvir cada palavra individualmente e a melhorar sua precisão auditiva.


    Existem várias atividades diferentes que se concentram na precisão auditiva, pronúncia, vocabulário, gramática e estrutura da frase.

triangle Vocabulary 어휘 Vocabulário Vocabulario

  • ☐ ☐ ☐ a model [n] - a small copy of something, like a building or a car [image] ESL Vocab - A model
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ dig [v] - make a hole in the ground
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ knock [v] - hit something, usually a door, to make a noise
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ Do I have a shot at her? [exp] - Do I have a chance to date her?
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ overstep my bounds [exp] - go too far or do something you shouldn’t
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ get down to business [exp] - start working on something with full effort
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ possession [n] - when someone is controlled by another person (or ghost)
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ throw your voice [exp] - make your voice sound like it's coming from somewhere else
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ peas in a pod [exp] - close friends with many similarities
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ move in with you [exp] - start living in the same house as you
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ pals [n] - good friends
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ Shoot! [exp] - Go ahead and ask your question.
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ simpatico [exp] - having a good connection with someone
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ hermano [n] - the Spanish word for "brother"
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ sandworms [n] - large, dangerous creatures that live in the sand [image] ESL Vocab - A Sandworm
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ strike a deal [exp] - make an agreement
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ fix you something to eat [exp] - prepare food for you
  • ☐ ☐ ☐ cut a deal [exp] - make an agreement, often quickly

[n] - noun,  [v] - verb, [phv] - phrasal verb,  [adj] - adjective,  [exp] - expression

triangle Background 배경 O fundo Antecedentes

Barbara from Beetlejuice Adam from Beetlejuice
Barbara Adam
  • Adam and Barbara, a married couple, recently died.
  • Now they cannot leave their house.
  • A new family has moved into their house.
  • They want to scare away the family (haunt them).

triangle Questions 문제 Questões Preguntas

  1. How do they enter the model?
    Adam makes a wish.
    Barbara says "Beetlejuice" three times.
    They knock on the model of the house.
    They read a spell from the Handbook for the Dead.

  2. What does Barbara want to do before they open the coffin?
    Call for help
    Find a weapon
    Write "Beetlejuice" on the coffin

  3. What does Beetlejuice ask Adam first?
    If he has a chance with Barbara.
    How they entered the model.
    Where he bought his shirt.
    If they can be friends.

  4. What does Beetlejuice give to Adam?
    A mouse
    A shovel
    Some money
    His business card

  5. What does Adam want to know about Beetlejuice?
    If he can be scary.
    How much his services cost.
    Why he is living in the model.
    What kind of experience he has.

  6. What services does Beetlejuice offer?
    Kissing someone
    Killing someone
    Marrying someone
    Possessing someone

  7. What do Adam and Barabra want Beetlejuice to do?
    Kill some people
    Scare some people
    Teach them how to fly
    Help them leave the house

  8. What does Beetlejuice hate?
    The living
    Other ghosts

  9. What does Beetlejuice want to do before he helps them?
    Marry Barbara
    Destroy the model
    Go shopping together
    Become good friends
    Live with Barbara and Adam

  10. How do they leave the model?
    Barbara says "home" three times.
    They knock on the ground.
    They jump off the model.
    Adam digs a hole.

  11. What kind of food does Beetlejuice offer?

triangle Vocabulary Review 어휘 검토 Revisão de vocabulário Vocabulario revisión

Directions: What expressions from the video have the same meaning as the highlighted expressions in the sentences below?

  1. Is this relationship really [ strong ] ? Do I have [ a chance with her ] at all?

    [ solid ] [ a shot at her ]

  2. Am I [ going to far ] ? Just tell me.

    [ overstepping my bounds ]

  3. All right, let’s [ start focusing on work ] .

    [ get down to business ]

  4. I'm really going to have to get to know you guys, [ live together with you ] for a while, get to be real pals.

    [ move in with you ]

  5. Sure, sure, sure, sure. Go ahead. [ Ask your question ].

    [ Shoot ]

  6. Hey, come on, we're like [ good friends with many similarities ], the three of us.

    [ peas in a pod ]

  7. What do I have to do to [ make ] a deal with you two, huh?

    [ strike, cut ]

triangle Sentence Building 문장 만들기 Construção de sentença Construcción de oraciones

Directions: Write sentences about the video clip using the words given. You can change the word form or add words, but you cannot change the word order. Use a present time frame (tense).
( ) = optional   [ ] = necessary

Instrucciones: Escriba oraciones sobre el videoclip usando las palabras dadas. Puede cambiar la forma de la palabra o agregar palabras, pero no puede cambiar el orden de las palabras. Usa el tiempo presente.

Instruções: Escribe oraciones sobre el videoclip usando las palabras dadas. Puede cambiar la forma de las palabras o agregar palabras, pero no puede cambiar el orden de las palabras. Usa tiempo presente.

지시 : 주어진 단어를 사용하여 비디오 클립에 대한 문장을 씁니다. 어형을 변경하거나 단어를 추가할 수 있지만 어순은 변경할 수 없습니다. 현재 시제를 사용합니다.

Sentence 1   (use past tense)

Adam / encourage / Barbara / summon / Beetlejuice

Adam encourages Barbara to summon Beetlejuice.

* summon: call someone to appear

Sentence 2

after / she / say / name / three / time / they / transport / model

After she says his name three times, they are transported into the model.

Sentence 3

they / find / Beetlejuice / grave / and / dig / him / up

They find Beetlejuice's grave and dig him up.

Sentence 4

Beetlejuice / appear / and / immediate / ask / Adam / he / have / shot / Barbara

Beetlejuice appears and immediately asks Adam [if/whether] he has a shot [at/with] Barbara.

Sentence 5

after / give / Adam / card / Beetlejuice / offer / kill / or / possess / someone

After giving Adam his (business) card, Beetlejuice offers to kill or possess someone.
After he gives Adam his (business) card, Beetlejuice offers to kill or possess someone.

Sentence 6

however / Barbara / make / it / clear / they / only / want / help / scare / people / out / house

However, Barbara makes it clear (that) they only want help scaring (some) people out of their house.

Sentence 7

Beetlejuice / suggest / he / can / only / help / them / if / he / get / know / them / better

Beetlejuice suggests (that) he can only help them if he gets to know them better.

Sentence 8

Adam / ask / proof / Beetlejuice / can / scary

Adam asks for proof (that) Beetlejuice can be scary.

Sentence 9

Beetlejuice / try / bond / them / by / highlight / similarity

Beetlejuice tries to bond with them by highlighting their similarities.

Sentence 10

despite / Beetlejuice / attempt / persuassion / Adam / Barbara / decide / they / want / leave

Despite Beetlejuice's attempts at persuassion, Adam and Barbara decide (that) they want to leave.

Sentence 11

final / Barbara / yell / home / three / time / and / they / transport / out / model

Finally, Barbara yells "home" three times, and they are transported out of the model.

Sentence 12

Beetlejuice / get / frustrate / but / keep / try / cut / deal / them

Beetlejuice gets frustrated(,) but (he) keeps trying to cut a deal with them.

triangle Discussion 논의 Questões de discussão Discusión

  1. Describe Beetlejuice - his appearance and personality. Would you like to hang out with him?
  2. What are Beetlejuice's skills, abilities, and powers?
  3. How does Beetlejuice try to make Adam and Barbara like and trust him? Do you think he was successful? Why?
  4. Adam and Barbara want to scare some people out of their house. What advice would you give them?
  5. Have you seen the full Beetlejuice movie? What can you remember about it? Did you like it?
  6. What other Tim Burton movies are you familiar with? How would you describe his style? Which of his movies is your favorite?
  7. Will you or have you seen the new Beetlejuice movie? If you've you seen it, what did you think?

triangle Script 대본 Roteiro Guion

Barbara: Adam, it's him! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!

Adam: Go ahead, Barbara. Say it.

Barbara: Beetlejuice... What happened?

Adam: I think we're in the model. Hey, look at that!

Barbara: Well, where is he? What do we do?

Adam: Looks like we dig, Barbara.

Barbara: Oh, it's about time.

Adam: I say we open it.

Barbara: Maybe we should knock first?

Beetlejuice: Adam! Babs! Boy, do you know how to pick them. Let me ask you something. Is this relationship really solid? Do I have a shot at her at all?

Adam: Excuse me?

Beetlejuice: Sure. Am I overstepping my bounds? Just tell me. Come on. You know what's really beautiful about this? You two kids picked me. You didn’t have to, but you picked me. It makes me want to kiss you guys! Come on! Come on! Give me one!

Barbara: No!

Beetlejuice: All right, let’s get down to business. You're right. I got a card around here somewhere. Here. Here. Who do I have to kill? Here, hold that for me, would ya?

Barbara: Whoa!

Beetlejuice: There you go. There you go.

Adam: You don’t have to kill anybody.

Beetlejuice: Ah, possession, good.

Beetlejuice: (through Barbara)Learn to throw your voice, fool your friends, fun at parties!

Barbara: No. We just want to get some people out of our house.

Beetlejuice: I understand. I understand. Well, look, in order to do that, I'm really going to have to get to know you guys. You know, we got to get closer, move in with you for a while, get to be real pals, you know what I'm saying? Save that guy for later.

Adam: My wife and I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

Beetlejuice: Sure, sure, sure, sure. Go ahead, shoot.

Adam: What I mean is can you be scary?

Beetlejuice: Oh, oh, you are asking me if I can be scary? What do you think of this? You like it?

Barbara: Excuse us, please.

Beetlejuice: Sure, talk amongst yourself.

Barbara: Adam, let’s go.

Adam: I know, Barbara, honey, but I think he could be of some use to us.

Barbara: No, no, no. Listen. We need to figure something out. We just have to...

Barbara: Hey, hey, hey.

Adam: Excuse me!

Beetlejuice: What?

Adam: Excuse me. We are leaving now.

Beetlejuice: Oh, hey. Oh, come on. Don’t go yet. Hey, guy, come on! We’re simpatico here. Look at us! We even shop at the same store.

Beetlejuice: Hey, hermano! Yeah, there you go! Hey, come on, we're like peas in a pod, the three of us. Let’s face it, you want somebody out of the house, I want to get somebody out of your house. Come on, look, you've been to Saturn! Hey, I’ve been to Saturn. Whoa, sandworms. You hate them, right? I hate them myself! Come on, kids. What do I have to do to strike a deal with you two, huh?

Beetlejuice: Don’t you hate it when that happens?

Adam: Let’s go, Barbara.

Beetlejuice: Wait. Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Come on. Just come up for a while. We’ll talk inside. Come on. Come on.

Barbara: I’m not staying here another minute!

Beetlejuice: Don’t pay any attention to it.

Barbara: We have to get out of here.

Beetlejuice: Hey. I'll fix you something to eat.

Barbara: Home! Home! Home!

Adam: Barbara, how did you do that?

Beetlejuice: Hope you like Italian! Where’d you go? Hey, come on! Hey, where’d you go? Hey, come on. You got to work with me here! I’m just trying to cut a deal! What do you want me to do?