Improve your English with Pronunciation Reductions

#5. Looking for an Apartment

Published: 2.01.2018
Level 3   |   Time: 0:56
Accent: Canadian, New Zealand
Listen in English

Improve your understanding of English pronunciation with a conversation about looking for an apartment.


You can download the file [ HERE ].


triangle Directions

  1. Review the REDUCTION PREVIEW.
  2. Listen to the AUDIO. The conversation plays THREE times (normal, slow, normal).
  3. The FIRST time, answer the QUESTIONS.
  4. The SECOND time, fill in/choose the LANGUAGE REDUCTIONS
  5. The THIRD time, review your answers.
  6. CHECK your answers (Show Answers)

triangle Reduction Preview

  • I don't know → I dunno
      I don't know what to do.
  • going to → gonna
      We are going to go home.
  • I want to → I-wanna
      I want to see a movie.
  • have to → hafta
      I have to study.
  • has to → hasta
      She has to take a test.

★ Try watching [ this video ] for a more detailed explanation.

triangle Questions

  1. Aron lives with his parents now.

  2. Aron wants a cheap apartment.

  3. Aron wants to live with a roommate.

  4. Aron's sister's apartment has a pool.

  5. Aron really wants to find an apartment with a pool.

  6. The apartments with pools are expensive.

  7. Mike tells Aron to be patient.

triangle Language Reductions (fill in)

Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the expression that you hear.
You can download a pdf version [ here ] .

  • Hey Mike.
  • Hey Aron. Why are you looking at Craigslist?
  • I (3) want to find an apartment. I don't (3) want to live with my parents anymore.
  • That makes sense. Do you know (3) what you are looking for?
  • I think so. The important thing is that it (3) has to be cheap.
  • Then why (3) don't you try to find a roommate? That will make it cheaper for both of you.
  • What you're saying is true, but right now I don't (3) want to have a roommate. I need my own space for a while.
  • OK. How about a pool? At your sister's place, there's a pool, right? You (3) are going to (3) want to find a place that has one too, aren't you.
  • I (2) don't know . I (3) have to find a cheap apartment. All the apartments with pools seem out of my price range.
  • OK. (2) Don't you worry. I'm sure you will find just (3) what you are looking for sooner or later. You just (3) have to be patient.
  • Thanks Mike. I will.

triangle Language Reductions (choose)

Directions: Listen to the conversation and choose the expression that you hear.

  • ARON: Hey Mike.

  • MIKE: Hey Aron. Why (are you) looking at Craigslist?

  • ARON: I (want to) find an apartment. I don't (want to) live with my parents anymore.

  • MIKE: That makes sense. Do you know (what you are) looking for?

  • ARON: I think so. The important thing is that it (has to) be cheap.

  • MIKE: Then why (don't you) try to find a roommate? That will make it cheaper for both of you.

  • ARON: What you're saying is true, but right now I don't (want to) have a roommate. I need my own space for a while.

  • MIKE: OK. How about a pool? At your sister's place, there's a pool, right? You're (going to) (want to) find a place that has one too, (aren't you) .

  • ARON: I (don't know) . I (have to) find a cheap apartment. All the apartments with pools seem out of my price range.

  • MIKE: OK. (Don't you) worry. I'm sure you will find just what you're looking for sooner or later. You just (have to) be patient.

  • ARON: Thanks Mike. I will.

triangle Script

You will hear the conversation three times - at normal speed, at slow speed, and at normal speed again.

This is the first time. Listen and answer the questions - true or false.

ARON: Hey Mike.

MIKE: Hey Aron. Why are you looking at Craigslist?

ARON: I want to find an apartment. I don't want to live with my parents anymore.

MIKE: That makes sense. Do you know what you're looking for?

ARON: I think so. The important thing is that it has to be cheap.

MIKE: Then why don't you try to find a roommate? That will make it cheaper for both of you.

ARON: What you're saying is true, but right now I don't want to have a roommate. I need my own space for a while.

MIKE: OK. How about a pool? At your sister's place, there's a pool, right? You're going to want to find a place that has one too, aren't you.

ARON: I don't know. I have to find a cheap apartment. All the apartments with pools seem out of my price range.

MIKE: OK. Don't you worry. I'm sure you will find just what you're looking for sooner or later. You just have to be patient.

ARON: Thanks Mike. I will.

This is the second time. Listen and fill in or choose the correct expression.

This is the third time. Listen and check what you filled in or chose.