Jay has all his grandchildren over to his house to watch a movie, but Haley wants to go to another party.
It is important to read the vocabulary and background before you watch the video. This will improve your ability to understand the video. It will also help you understand how the new vocabulary is used naturally.
The first time you watch the video, just try to understand the overall situation.
First, try to answer all the questions from memory. Then rewatch the video and try to answer the questions that you missed.
Watch the video again while you read the script. Reading and listening at the same time will help you hear each individual word and improve your listening accuracy.
There are several different activities that focus on listening accuracy, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.
Es importante leer el vocabulario y los antecedentes antes de ver el video. Esto mejorará su capacidad para comprender el video. También le ayudará a comprender cómo se usa el nuevo vocabulario de forma natural.
La primera vez que vea el video, intente comprender la situación general.
Primero intente responder todas las preguntas de memoria. Luego, vuelva a ver el video e intente responder las preguntas que se perdió.
Mire el video nuevamente mientras lee el guión. Leer y escuchar al mismo tiempo lo ayudará a escuchar cada palabra individual y mejorará su precisión auditiva.
Hay una serie de actividades diferentes que se centran en la precisión auditiva, la pronunciación, el vocabulario, la gramática y la estructura de las oraciones.
비디오를 보기 전에 어휘와 배경을 읽는 것이 중요합니다. 이렇게 하면 비디오를 이해하는 능력이 향상됩니다. 또한 새로운 어휘가 어떻게 자연스럽게 사용되는지 이해하는데 도움이됩니다.
비디오를 처음 볼 때 전체 상황을 이해하려고 노력하세요.
먼저 모든 질문에 답을 해보세요. 그런 다음 비디오를 다시보고 놓친 질문에 답해보세요.
대본을 읽는 동안 비디오를 다시 보세요. 읽기와 듣기를 동시에 하면 각각의 단어를 듣고, 듣기 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
듣기 정확도, 발음, 어휘, 문법 및 문장 구조에 초점을 맞춘 다양한 액티비티가 있습니다.
É importante ler o vocabulário e o histórico antes de assistir ao vídeo. Isso melhorará sua capacidade de entender o vídeo. Também ajudará você a entender como o novo vocabulário é usado naturalmente.
Na primeira vez que assistir ao vídeo, tente entender a situação geral.
Primeiro, tente responder todas as perguntas de memória. Em seguida, assista novamente ao vídeo e tente responder às perguntas que você errou.
Assista ao vídeo novamente enquanto lê o roteiro. Ler e ouvir ao mesmo tempo ajudará você a ouvir cada palavra individualmente e a melhorar sua precisão auditiva.
Existem várias atividades diferentes que se concentram na precisão auditiva, pronúncia, vocabulário, gramática e estrutura da frase.
[n] - noun, [v] - verb, [phv] - phrasal verb, [adj] - adjective, [exp] - expression
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Gloria | Jay | Claire |
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Haley | Alex | Luke | Manny |
Directions: Choose the word or expression that best completes the sentence.
Instrucciones: Elija la palabra o expresión que mejor complete la oración.
Instruções:: Escolha a palavra ou expressão que melhor completa a frase.
지시 사항 : 문장을 가장 잘 완성하는 단어나 표현을 선택하십시오.
This activity is designed to improve sentence accuracy and complexity. Most students can produce the key content words in a sentence. However, they have difficulty with accuracy because the functional words are difficult or can seem unimportant. This activity will help learners eliminate problems with these functional words by giving them immediate feedback on the mistakes they are making. It will also help students develop their use of more natural, varied and complex sentence structures.
TIP: Say the sentence out loud. Notice the types of mistake you make often. Focus on those types of errors. (singular/plural, subject-verb agreement, article use, prepositions, gerunds and infinitives, noun clauses, adjective clauses, word order, and word forms.)
Esta actividad está diseñada para mejorar la precisión y complejidad de las oraciones. La mayoría de los estudiantes pueden producir las palabras clave del contenido en una oración. Sin embargo, tienen dificultades con la precisión porque las palabras funcionales son difíciles o pueden parecer poco importantes. Esta actividad ayudará a los alumnos a eliminar problemas con estas palabras funcionales al brindarles retroalimentación inmediata sobre los errores que están cometiendo. También ayudará a los estudiantes a desarrollar su uso de estructuras de oraciones más naturales, variadas y complejas.
CONSEJO: Diga la oración en voz alta. Observe los tipos de errores que comete con frecuencia. Concéntrese en ese tipo de errores. (singular / plural, concordancia entre sujeto y verbo, uso del artículo, preposiciones, gerundios e infinitivos, cláusulas sustantivas, cláusulas adjetivas, orden de las palabras y formas de las palabras).
이 액티비티는 문장의 정확성과 복잡성을 개선하기 위해 고안되었습니다. 대부분의 학생들은 문장에서 핵심 내용 단어를 생성 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 기능적 단어가 어렵거나 중요하지 않은 것처럼 보일 수 있기 때문에 정확성에 어려움이 있습니다. 이 액티비티는 학습자가 실수에 대한 즉각적인 피드백을 제공함으로써 이러한 기능적 단어의 문제를 제거하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 또한 학생들이 보다 자연스럽고 다양하며 복잡한 문장 구조를 사용하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
팁 : 문장을 크게 말하세요. 자주 저지르는 실수 유형과, 이러한 유형의 오류에 집중하세요. (단수 / 복수, 주어-동사 일치, 관사 사용, 전치사, 동명사 및 부정사, 명사절, 형용사절, 어순 및 단어 형태)
Esta atividade foi desenvolvida para melhorar a precisão e a complexidade das frases. A maioria dos alunos pode produzir as palavras-chave do conteúdo em uma frase. No entanto, eles têm dificuldade com precisão porque as palavras funcionais são difíceis ou podem parecer sem importância. Esta atividade ajudará os alunos a eliminar problemas com essas palavras funcionais, dando-lhes feedback imediato sobre os erros que estão cometendo. Também ajudará os alunos a desenvolver o uso de estruturas de sentenças mais naturais, variadas e complexas.
DICA: Diga a frase em voz alta. Observe os tipos de erro que você comete com frequência. Concentre-se nesses tipos de erros. (singular/plural, concordância sujeito-verbo, uso de artigos, preposições, gerúndios e infinitivos, cláusulas substantivas, cláusulas adjetivas, ordem das palavras e formas das palavras.)
Directions: Write sentences about the video clip using the words given. You can change the word form or add words, but you cannot change the word order. Use a present time frame (tense).
( ) = optional [ ] = necessary
Instrucciones: Escriba oraciones sobre el videoclip usando las palabras dadas. Puede cambiar la forma de la palabra o agregar palabras, pero no puede cambiar el orden de las palabras. Usa el tiempo presente.
Instruções: Escribe oraciones sobre el videoclip usando las palabras dadas. Puede cambiar la forma de las palabras o agregar palabras, pero no puede cambiar el orden de las palabras. Usa tiempo presente.
지시 : 주어진 단어를 사용하여 비디오 클립에 대한 문장을 씁니다. 어형을 변경하거나 단어를 추가할 수 있지만 어순은 변경할 수 없습니다. 현재 시제를 사용합니다.
all / Jay / grandchild / come / over / Jay / night
All of Jay's grandchildren [come/are coming] over for Jay's night.
on / Jay / night / Jay / make / sloppy / jay / everybody / wear / pj / they / watch / western
On Jay's night, Jay makes Sloppy Jays, everybody wears (their) pj's, and they watch a western.
Haley / not / want / go / Jay / night / because / she / want / go / party / boyfriend
Haley doesn't want to go to Jay's night because she wants to go to a party with her boyfriend.
Alex / convince / Luke / Jay / die
Alex convinces Luke (that) Jay is dying.
Manny / seem / have / innocent / crush / Haley
Manny seems to have an innocent crush on Haley.
Manny seems to have a not-so-innocent crush on Haley.
even / though / party / walk / distance / Jay / house / Jay / refuse / let / Haley / go / party
Even though the party is walking distance from Jay's house, Jay refuses to let Haley go to the party.
Haley / freak / after / she / find / Jay / take / shoe / keep / home
Haley freaks out after she finds out (that) Jay took her shoes (in order) to keep her (at) home.
Gloria / convince / Jay / let / Haley / go / party
Gloria convinces Jay to let Haley go to the party.
Jay / walk / outside / and / invite / Dylan / house
Jay walks outside and invites Dylan into [the/his] house.
Jay / know / Dylan / hide / bush / because / Phil / use / do / same / thing
Jay knew (that) Dylan was hiding in the bushes because Phil used to do the same thing.
Dylan / decide / he / rather / stay / at / Jay / and / watch / Western / go / party
Dylan decides (that) he would rather stay at Jay's and watch a Western than go to the party.
Listen & Repeat
This activity has two purposes.
The first purpose is to improve listening accuracy. Learners can often understand the general meaning of a video but still not hear and understand many of the words that are said. This is because native speakers tend to say the functional words unclearly. (eg. don’t know, going to, want to, can’t, must have) This activity is designed to help learners improve their ability to hear these words.
TIP: Learners should listen, and then try to repeat exactly what they hear. Then they should click “Show” and read the sentence. After reading the sentence, learners should listen again and try to hear each word.
The second purpose is to improve pronunciation.
TIP: Learners should listen to and read the sentences at the same time. Then learners should try to copy the pronunciation and intonation of the speaker exactly.
TIP: Exaggerating the intonation and feeling of the speaker is useful. It may feel awkward or funny, but it will help you sound more natural.
Escuchar y Repetir
Esta actividad tiene dos propósitos separados.
El primer propósito es mejorar la precisión auditiva. Los estudiantes a menudo pueden comprender el significado general de un video, pero aún no escuchan ni comprenden muchas de las palabras que se dicen. En particular, los hablantes nativos tienden a decir las palabras funcionales (p. Ej., No sé, voy a, quiero, no puedo, debe haberlo hecho) de manera poco clara. Esta actividad está diseñada para ayudar a los alumnos a mejorar su capacidad para escuchar estas palabras.
CONSEJO: Los alumnos deben escuchar y luego intentar repetir exactamente lo que se dijo. Luego deben hacer clic en "Show" y leer la oración. Después de leer la oración, los alumnos deben volver a escuchar e intentar escuchar cada palabra.
El segundo propósito es mejorar la pronunciación.
CONSEJO: Los alumnos deben escuchar y leer las oraciones al mismo tiempo. Luego, los alumnos deben intentar copiar la pronunciación y la entonación del hablante.
CONSEJO: Es útil exagerar la entonación y el sentimiento del hablante. Puede parecer incómodo o divertido, pero te ayudará a sonar más natural.
듣고 따라하기
이 액티비티에는 두 가지 목적이 있습니다.
첫 번째 목적은 청취 정확도를 높이는 것입니다. 학생들은 종종 비디오의 일반적인 의미를 이해할 수 있지만 여전히 많은 단어를 듣고 이해하지 못합니다. 특히 원어민은 기능적 단어 (예 : 모르겠다, 갈 것, 갖고 싶어, 가질 수 없어야 한다)를 불분명하게 말하는 경향이 있습니다. 이 액티비티는 학습자가 이러한 단어를 듣는 능력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 고안되었습니다.
팁 : 학습자는 듣고 나서 말한 내용을 정확하게 반복해야 합니다. 그들은“Show”를 클릭하고 문장을 읽어야 합니다. 문장을 읽은 후 학습자는 다시 듣고 각 단어를 들어야 합니다.
두 번째 목적은 발음을 향상시키는 것입니다.
팁 : 학습자는 동시에 문장을 듣고 읽어야 합니다. 그런 다음 학습자는 화자의 발음과 억양을 따라 해 보아야 합니다.
팁 : 화자의 억양과 느낌을 과장하는 것이 유용합니다. 어색하거나 재미있게 느껴질 수 있지만 더 자연스럽게 들리는 데 도움이 됩니다.
Ouvir e repetir
Esta atividade tem dois propósitos.
O primeiro objetivo é melhorar a precisão auditiva. Os alunos geralmente podem entender o significado geral de um vídeo, mas ainda não ouvem e entendem muitas das palavras que são ditas. Isso ocorre porque os falantes nativos tendem a dizer as palavras funcionais de forma pouco clara. (por exemplo, não sei, vou, quero, não posso, devo ter) Esta atividade é projetada para ajudar os alunos a melhorar sua capacidade de ouvir essas palavras.
DICA: os alunos devem ouvir e tentar repetir exatamente o que ouviram. Em seguida, deveriam clicar em “Mostrar” e ler a frase. Depois de ler a frase, os alunos devem ouvir novamente e tentar ouvir cada palavra.
O segundo objetivo é melhorar a pronúncia.
DICA: os alunos devem ouvir e ler as frases ao mesmo tempo. Em seguida, os alunos devem tentar copiar exatamente a pronúncia e a entonação do falante.
DICA: É útil exagerar na entonação e no sentimento do falante. Pode parecer estranho ou engraçado, mas ajudará você a soar mais natural.
Directions: Play the audio clip and try to repeat what you hear. Click "Show" to see the text.
Instrucciones: Reproduce el clip de audio e intenta repetir lo que escuchas. Haga clic en "Show" para ver el texto.
Instruções: Reproduzca el clip de audio e intente repetir lo que escucha. Haga clic en "Mostrar" para ver el texto.
지시 사항 : 오디오 클립을 재생하고 들리는 내용을 반복해 보십시오. 텍스트를 보려면 "Show" 를 클릭하십시오.
Clip 1
All the grandkids are coming over for Jay's Night.
Clip 2
Everybody wears pj's, which they love.
Clip 3
And then we all watch a western together, which they don't really care for, but hey, it's Jay's Night.
Clip 4
Ooh, that sounds like so much fun, but I have other plans.
Clip 5
Honey, you said you'd go to your grandfather's tonight.
Clip 6
Who knows how many years he has left.
Clip 7
She wants to go to a party with Dylan.
Clip 8
You really don't understand what just happened there, do you?
Clip 9
Manny, why don't you go fire up some popcorn?
Clip 10
(Are) you looking for these?
Clip 11
I would have been back by now. Would that have killed you?
Clip 12
She's the one acting like a pill.
Clip 13
(If) you are trying to put something over on me, you're going to lose.
Clip 14
I'm trying to keep them around a little bit longer, that's all.
Clip 15
I mean, who knows how many nights like this I('ve) got left?
Clip 16
How did you know I was here?
Gloria: Of course we would love to have the baby. All the other cousins are sleeping over tonight.
Jay: The more, the merrier.
Gloria: Okay, see you tonight. Bye-bye.
Manny: Is Haley still coming?
Jay: You're related. I will spray you with the hose.
Jay: All the grandkids are coming over for Jay's Night. Family tradition. Everybody wears pj's, which they love. I make my famous sloppy
jays, which are really sloppy joes but made by Jay, which they love. And then we all watch a Western together, which they don't really
care for, but hey, it's Jay's Night.
Haley: So, Mom, there's a party tonight at Andrew Adler's, and everybody's going to be there.
Claire: Ooh, that sounds like so much fun, but I have other plans.
Haley: Oh, that's hi-larious. But I'm talking about me.
Alex: That's unusual.
Claire: Honey, you said you'd go to your grandfather's tonight.
Haley: See, that's what's so perfect about this. Andrew only lives, like, a couple blocks away from Grandpa's. So I figured that I could go.
Claire: Sweetie, you made a commitment.
Haley: But I really want to go. And plus, every time I go over to Grandpa's, Manny just stares at me the whole time.
Alex: Maybe if you wore a bra.
Claire: Alex.
Alex: What? I can't wait to go to Grandpa's. Family means everything to me.
Haley: 'Cause you have no friends.
Alex: No. Because I love Grandpa. And he's getting older. Who knows how many years he has left?
Luke: Is Grandpa dying?
Alex: Didn't they tell you?
Claire: Alex, stop torturing your brother. No. Your grandfather is fine.
Alex: For now.
Jay: There are my little stinkers.
Haley: Howdy.
Alex: Hi, Grandpa.
Jay: Come on in.
Gloria: Hola. Hola, hola.
Manny: Well, hello there, Haley.
Jay: Take it down a notch, Jethro. So, you guys ready for some fun? What?
Luke: I love you, Grandpa, and I'm never going to forget you.
Jay: Okay, okay. Back at ya, champ. Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is a pajama party. Where's your pj's?
Haley: Yeah, they're in my bag. I need to talk to you about something.
Alex: She wants to go to a party with Dylan, Grandpa.
Haley: Shut up, Alex. It's at my friend Andrew Adler's. He lives three blocks from here.
Jay: Oh. Walking distance.
Haley; Right. So I wouldn't ask you this because I love coming to your house, but it's kind of an important party.
Jay: Somebody invites you over, the last thing you want to do is insult them.
Haley: Exactly.
Jay: I'm glad we agree.
Haley: Oh, my God. That was so easy. This is awesome.
Alex: You really don't understand what just happened there, do you?
Jay: Pj's on, Haley!
Haley: What?
Manny: Um, I would be happy to let her change in my room.
Jay: I got the movie. Manny, why don't you go fire up some popcorn? You looking for these?
Haley: You took my shoes?
Jay: No, I took your freedom. Sorry, kid. It ain't your night.
Haley: Why are you being like this? I just wanted to go to that party for, like, two hours. I would've been back by now. Would that have killed you?
Jay: She's just like her mother.
Gloria: Why are you treating Haley like this?
Jay: Me? She's the one acting like a pill.
Gloria: You're taking this too personally. When I was Haley's age, I loved my grandfather, but I still wanted to go to parties and be with boys.
Jay: I know. I know. So did Claire, and Mitchell. But you know what? You try to put something over on me, you're going to lose.
Gloria: So, what? Now you're going to make this into a big game?
Jay: I'm trying to keep them around a little bit longer, that's all. I mean, who knows how many nights like this I got left?
Luke: I miss you already.
Jay: What's wrong with this kid tonight? Go in the kitchen and help out the guys, and I'll be right in.
Gloria: It's great that you want to spend time with your granddaughter, but is this really the way?
Jay: Fine.
Gloria: You're a good abuelo. She's upstairs.
Jay: I know.
Jay: Dylan!
Dylan: Yeah?
Jay: Get up. You're here to take Haley to the party, right?
Dylan: Yeah.
Jay: She's in the house.
Dylan: How did you know I was here?
Jay: This is how I first met Phil.
Haley: Thanks again, Grandpa. We'll be back by 11:00.
Jay: I will track you down.
Haley: I believe that.
Dylan: What's that smell?
Jay: Sloppy Jays. Help yourself. There's plenty left.
Dylan: Oh. Sloppy jays because your name's Jay. Right on.
Manny: I can't believe she's into this guy.
Gloria: If you want, I'll fix you a plate.
Dylan: Yeah, definitely. That'd be great.
Haley: But, what about the party?
Dylan: We can go in just a minute. Just let... Oh, no way. The Gunfighter. I love this movie.
Haley: Dylan, the party.
Dylan: But cowboys.
Gloria: Don't fight it, Haley. They never grow up.
Dylan: Thanks.
Manny: I'm going to the kitchen for an espresso. (Does) Anybody need anything?
Alex?: No thanks.